By Peter Filichia David Foubert is an excellent king, Jessica Wortham an extraordinary queen and Katie Wieland is marvelous as the woman who succeeded her. They’re all currently performing in The Shakespeare Theatre of New Jersey’s excellent mounting of The Bard’s Henry VIII. But before Paul Mullins’ superb production took to the stage, […]

Getting to the Bottom of Nine
Getting to the Bottom of Nine By Peter Filichia If you’re in New York — and are a fan of Nine — you should saunter downtown to Theatre for a New City to see a revival of Six Passionate Women. And what, you may ask, does one show have to do with […]

Happy Eighty-Ninth, Angela Lansbury!
Happy Eighty-Ninth, Angela Lansbury! By Peter Filichia The first three words that Angela Lansbury ever sang in a Broadway musical would in time turn out to be thoroughly inaccurate. “Everyone hates me.” Of course, she wasn’t speaking about herself, but as Cora Hoover Hooper, a character in Stephen Sondheim and Arthur […]

Forty-Five Other Ways to Lose a Man
By Peter Filichia “Forty-five ways to go,” my buddy Ed Weissman wrote after he read my column inspired byWonderful Town’s song for Ruth Sherwood: “100 Easy Ways to Lose a Man.” Yes, although Ruth had claimed that she had “ninety-five ways to go” after she’d inadvertently dissed editor Robert Baker, I could find […]

Ninety-Five Easy Ways to Lose a Man?
By Peter Filichia In Wonderful Town, Rosalind Russell played Ruth Sherwood, a bright if not dazzlingly attractive woman who decries her bad luck with the opposite sex. (You can hear her do it on the 1958 soundtrack of the TV broadcast.) Ruth does admit, however, that many of her problems are of her […]