Androcles at Last!
By Peter Filichia Do I hear a waltz? Of course I do. Isn’t Androcles and the Lion by Richard Rodgers? And getting a song in three-quarter time is a given in any of the legendary composer’s scores. Here in this 1967 TV musical, the waltz is the first song, just as it was in Jumbo, […]

Irma La Douce: All Talking! All Singing!
By Peter Filichia ”So I see they went and made a musical out of Irma La Douce.” That will be the reaction from some when they hear that Encores! is presenting Irma La Douce from May 7-11 at City Center. Ho-hum, another new musical based on yet another movie – in this case, the one […]

Brush Up Your Shakespeare
By Peter Filichia I’d hate to let the month go by without acknowledging the 450th anniversary of Shakespeare’s birth. No one can be 100% certain that we should have celebrated it on April 23, but that’s the date that academics accept as the most likely. Because no one knows for sure, it’s possible that I […]

More for Your Money
By Peter Filichia “Rumson Creek” from Paint Your Wagon is a nifty little ditty, but it lasts a mere fifty seconds. Thus, at ninety-nine cents a download, you’re paying two cents a second. That doesn’t mean your money wouldn’t be well-spent. But there are songs that technically offer you more for your money. Yes, there’s […]

What You Miss in Musical Movies
By Peter Filichia — Went to see Guys and Dolls in Concert at Carnegie Hall. By the time Miss Adelaide sang “A Bushel and a Peck,” I once again started wondering why this song – one of the big hits from this 1950 musical – was dropped for the 1955 film and replaced with a […]