Day, Goulet, Annie, Frank and Stereo
By Peter Filichia It’s no April Fools’ Day joke: Doris Day will celebrate a birthday on April 1. The reclusive nonagenarian hasn’t graced a recording studio since 1967 or a film since 1968. Rumor has it that The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has wanted to give her an honorary Oscar, but when […]

A Twofer of Robert Goulet
By Peter Filichia All right, so Elvis Presley wasn’t a Robert Goulet fan. That much could be inferred after the so-called King took out one of his many guns and assassinated a television set on which he saw Goulet performing. But I’d like to think that when Elvis became trigger-happy that he wasn’t watching either […]

And Speaking of Little Lists …
By Peter Filichia Last week, while writing about The Mikado, I started thinking that I, like Ko-Ko, should make a little list, too. The Best Musicals? Too trite. The Best Cast Albums? A little better, but how about something more specific – such as The Two Dozen Best Songs Added to Musicals? Now we’re talkin’! […]

By Peter Filichia So what can we all do on March 14th to mark the 129th anniversary of the opening of The Mikado? Well, for one thing, we can listen to a 1960 recording of Gilbert and Sullivan’s most popular work that Masterworks Broadway has again made available. What a nice way to celebrate the […]

The Reviews Are in for Bajour
By Peter Filichia — There I was, putting the final touches on my new book The Great Parade: The 1963-64 Broadway Season, which St. Martin’s will bring out next spring. I wanted to check a review of Anyone Can Whistle, so I opened Steven Suskin’s Opening Nights on Broadway, in which he republished bits and […]