Say Gwen
By Peter Filichia — This month’s Friday the 13th can be considered both lucky and unlucky for Broadway. It would have marked the 87th birthday of Gwen Verdon, and we’re all pretty sad that we don’t have the lady around to celebrate both her and her achievements. But, oh, aren’t we lucky that her parents […]

And the Year Starts Up
By Peter Filichia – So what was the first recording in 2012 that you chose for your listening pleasure? For the twentieth straight year, I started New Year’s Day by playing the CD that I got in late 1991: And the World Goes ‘Round. It’s the recording of the revue that celebrates John Kander and […]

For New Year’s Eve Stay-at-Homes
By Peter Filichia — As that famous Frank Loesser song asked, “Here is the jackpot question in advance: what are you doing New Year’s Eve?” Most will party, but many know that it’s a good night to stay in and do comparatively nothing. Sometimes Dec. 31 can mean panic in the streets – which might […]

Not Your Average Christmas Show
Peter Filichia – So what would be the most logical Broadway musical to open on Christmas Day? Why, Here’s Love, right? After all, it’s the musical of Miracle on 34th Street. But Here’s Love opened on Oct. 3. Annie would be another candidate, because it concludes on Christmas. But it debuted on April 21. Would […]

Broadway’s First Jukebox Musical
By Peter Filichia — You’re in the middle of holiday shopping. You want to get something nice for that couple next door and their toddler. But you don’t have much do-re-mi. For the adults, get the original cast album of Do Re Mi. The musical that opened nearly 51 years ago at the St. James […]