Ahrens & Flaherty On Seussical: The Importance Of A Cast Album: New Legends Of Broadway Video
On March 15, 2001, Cathy Rigby (Peter Pan) replaced David Shiner as the Cat in the Hat in Seussical: The Musical. Lynn Ahrens & Stephen Flaherty share how the shows cast album went on to become one of the most performed Broadway shows in America on our new legends of Broadway video here.

Candide 1997: New Vault Photos On Masterworks Broadway Pinterest
Over the past few weeks we’ve taken you through rare photos from Candide that we found in the Masterworks Broadway vault. See the photos from 1956 here, 1974 here, and the newest addition from 1997 here.

Ted Chapin As A Gopher On Follies: New Legends Of Broadway Video
Few shows in the history of the musical theatre have attained the cult status enjoyed by Follies. In our new legends of Broadway video, Rodgers & Hammerstein President Ted Chapin shares how he became a gopher on Follies. Watch the video here.

Women In Broadway – The Greatest Female Audition Songs: Musical Monday Broadway Spotify Playlist
We continue to celebrate Women’s history month by honoring women in Broadway on our new musical Monday playlist. Practice for your next audition with Elaine Stritch, Carol Burnett, Ethel Merman and more by listening along to our favorite Female Audition Songs playlist here.

David Shire On His Early Musical Life: New Legends Of Broadway Video
David Shire discusses his Father, Pop music of the 1940’s, his first Broadway experience and more on his early musical life on our new legends of Broadway video. Watch it here.