New Stanley Silverman Video
We have a new video with Stanley Silverman discussing the genesis of Elephant Steps, which is available for purchase here. Check back on Monday for a new video with Hal Prince discussing A Little Night Music.

New Album Page For Joel Grey
Here’s a new album page for Joel Grey’s solo albums, Black Sheep Boy and Only the Beginning, which will be available, two for the price of one, via digital service providers on August 20.

New Photos From The King & I
Take a look at these new photos of Yul Brynner and Constance Towers starring in the 1977 revival of Rodgers and Hammerstein’s classic musical The King & I.

New Photos From Maggie Flynn
You really have to see these new photos from the 1968 musical Maggie Flynn starring, for the first time together on Broadway, husband and wife Jack Cassidy and Shirley Jones.

New Maury Yeston On Nine Video
We have a new video from the Maury Yeston series of videos on Nine where he discusses how Tommy Tune invented phone sex, you have to check that out, right?!