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Cinderella Darling

…the broadcast. Rodgers, of course, could compose well in 2/4 time (“Stepsisters’ Lament” and “Impossible”) or “common time” (“In My Own Little Corner” and “A Lovely Night”). But there was…

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Get Ready for March Madness

…perhaps Sandor would have asked his constituents “What is Weill?” and heard in response “Woodbine.” And yes, it would have been Weill-as-in-While, and not Weill-as-in-Vile. True, Kurt’s last name was…

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Jerry Hermanโ€™s Most Delicate Score

…to have it after she’d heard the show’s original cast album. Peter Filichia also writes a column each Friday at His books on musicals are available at….

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Tales of the City of Angels

…Stine has two solos that show the score’s far-reaching range. “Double Talk” is sheer jazz, with Zippel’s deft words subbing for scatting. “Funny” is a genuine coming-of-age, coming-to-conclusions eleven o’clock…

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